Friday, January 15, 2010

Flotsam and Jetsam

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Stodgy Legs Elf was spiraling down into the dark after being clobbered by a large and angry Rhinitiseroseule. She was doing so well with her running when this ferocious-type beast came to plague her life. He came amidst the swirls of PM2.5 particles in the toxic human air that surrounded her faerie home. She had to fashion a mask of witchspyder webs to cover her mouth and nose just to walk outside, and she could not exert much energy without swelling and becoming blue. "I am not a blue faerie by nature", thought Stodgy Legs. "The color does not fit me well."

But in spite of this tragic setback, Stodgy Legs had lost 5.5 lbs of her Stodgy self in the past two weeks. "I will not miss that part of me", said Stodgy Legs Elf.

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